The idea with using this book/movie was to underline the quote "It's not personal. It's business." This is such a humorous yet important way to let students know: I am not doing this perceived mean thing "to you" because I am mean, I am doing it because I have to do it. I am not personally attacking you. When I move your seat because you won't stop talking to the student next to you and no one can focus (me included), it is not because I dislike you, it is so the class can continue functioning; not personal, just business. When you curse in class, I'll ask you to repeat what you said using more appropriate language because you cannot use those words in the workplace. When you yell at or disrespect me or any other student, I'm probably going to kick you out of my class. I like my employees to be safe, emotionally and physically.
This could be a really useful tactic to use in the classroom. It can be a good way to check students if they think their teacher is being unjust. The set up could run like this: please do as I, the teacher, say because I am trying to run the classroom in the best way. If you have a better way, talk to me after class or privately. If you complain when I ask you to do something, I will put up the above picture, tell you it is just business, and probably have some good-natured fun with that. In this case, you have to stop complaining. If you ask me to prove how it is just business and I can't, then I am a bad CEO, stock prices drop, and I concede that I do not know everything and have made a mistake.
I really like this idea, all that is left is to wait until I have my own class to try out this approach. Just another reason I can't wait for August (if I have a job then).
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